Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Year review

This year I have improved in my writing using a variety complex and compound  sentences. I enjoyed doing the production because you kind of become the character. I'm looking ford in 2017 to go to Camp  Columba .

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Drive research

Phytoplankton is a very small sea plant. Phytoplankton grow on the bottom of the ocean.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Term 3 report

This term my favourite thing that we did was the proudution  because we got to learn lines and be the character. This term  I was getting better with my writing and learning different writing skills. This  term  I got onto Masters  sevens for my basic facts .

Sunday, 14 August 2016

My Lino print

This is my first print from my Lino block.I used yellow ink

Thursday, 4 August 2016

My Lino art

This is my Lino art with all the white taken out. We used Lino blades to cut out all the white. It was based on the shadows, on your face from a photo.

Thursday, 12 May 2016


Last Friday the whole school had a Hangi. Last Wednesday the parents helped dig the Hangi hole.  Last Thursday we help prepare the food for the Hangi. Last Friday we ate the Hangi food it was delicious.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Term One Reflection

This term  I have enjoyed doing swimming lessons because it was fun to learn how to swim. I also enjoyed doing a athletics  day because it was fun to do all the running races and high jump. something else now I enjoyed was  inquiry because I learnt all about the  body. I improved my skills with maths  and  I know this
Because in ikan one I got mostly  stage five and in ikan two I got mostly stage six.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Eat well be healthy

In Team Kahu we've been doing a drive.There is a Brain Power, An Apple a day and many healthy things, Jacob and Allianz  were doing a poster about healthy foods .

Sunday, 28 February 2016

My secret place

"This is mine this  is mine my secret spot". My  secret spot is public.  It is at the  Edendale train track is like dark brown like chocolate ,and there is gold overgrown grass. I go there to sit and daydream. There are light green ,new leaved shrubs that shake when train go past it smells like it just has been planted.

There is also a pile of gravel  at my secret place. Sometimes I go there to watch see the sunrise or sunset. I feel like I don't want to go home.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

My Hauora

We are learning to  look after evry part of our  body. I look after  my body by going for runs.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

This is my food diary

This is my food diary. This is the food I ate  last week. I think I have a balanced diet. I found out I had  a lot of grains in my diet. I don't have a lot of dairy in my diet.

Four pics one person

This is my four pics one person. It has cricket because I like cricket.  I have Edendale because I live in  Edendale. I am nine. I like Forza Six. 

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

On a hot Summer day...

I like having a lime ice block because the ice block is cold. I also like going driving down to the river with my parents  and taking a face cloth and wetting it and putting it on my face. This also cools me down.

We also sometimes  go to the Edendale pool or my family  and I drive  to the Manapouri  lake  and  we get an ice cream.

We also sometimes just sit on the couch and have the fan blowng in our faces to help us cool down.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

My smarts

Today  I found out that I'm  math smart. This means I am good at do math activity .I am also smart  in nature smart.This means  I like helping animals if they are hurt.